Advisory Committee


As president of the ACA, one of my first objectives is to get help. I wanted to set up an Advisory Committee that could help us establish short-term goals, some longer-term ideals to aim for, and strategies to get us moving forward. I would like to introduce my first three picks for the committee:


Adolfo Isassi

If you have not met Adolfo, you should. An extremely talented individual who generously offers his time and insight, Adolfo makes it all looks so easy. In the canyon or on a conference call, I listen to Adolfo.
Adolfo Isassi Profile

Dean Kirchner

This person is on point. His approach to problems is calm, methodical, and confident. His focus and follow through is outstanding. He’s strong in the canyon and a great listener, an awesome combo.
Dean Kirchner Profile

Bruce Shapiro

I have not known Bruce very long, yet I think of him right away when seeking advice on certain issues regarding the ACA. His solid commitment to making good, safe choices while still having a lot of fun has made me a big fan of his. He’s an attorney too, bonus!
Bruce Shapiro Profile


Thanks for your support and stay tuned, more fun ahead!

Rick Green
ACA President